Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Merry, Merry Workout

I was up until 2 last night straightening the family room area and getting in a 45-minute workout. It wasn't pretty, but I did it. I ended up doing 20 minutes on the treadmill and 25 minutes of weights and calisthenics.

Today was a productive day. Lillian and I got up about 7 for cuddling and playing (I'm on vacation this week). I got in a work call at 8. Then Lillian and I headed to Ann Arbor for my light treatment. Dad met us to watch Lillian while I was in "the chamber." Afterward, we got coffee, then Lillian and I ran some errands: a trip to Whole Foods for nutritional yeast, a trip to Goodwill with the goods I separated from the family room and I finally, FINALLY got to the post office with a package that I've been meaning to mail to my friend Tanya for quite a while.

Lunch with mom, down to Monroe to retrieve Alayna , then home to more playing, dinner and a particularly prolonged bedtime routine. Lillian finally went to sleep about 11. After a few minutes of straightening and a few minutes of thinking about going to bed, I got in gear and got on the treadmill. Popping in a good year of IM always helps boost endurance on the treadmill. I got in a nice 50 minute run. Mission accomplished. Two days down.

So, I'm thinking about Ironman Louisville (unless it's sold out since last I checked) or the Beach2Battleship race, but I can't afford to sign up until Christmas is paid off. Any opinions on which one I should do? I like Beach2Battleship because I have friends in the Carolinas and it costs less, but I like IM Louisville because, for some reason, I really want to hear the announcer say: "Katie, You Are An ..." :) I can't help it. I just want to hear it. I want someone to notice when it happens.

So that's that. It's tomorrow already. Christmas Eve with my two wonderful girls. I imagine it will be the best Christmas yet. I've got a lot to do tomorrow so I better get some sleep so I can help out the Big Elf in about 22-23 hours.

Tomorrow, in addition to a nice bike ride on the trainer, I'm planning to make a couple Vegan recipes for the family Christmas dinner, I'm hoping that Ellen DeGeneres' private chef was on the up-and-up when he promised a tasty "Chick'n Pot Pie" because I'm using the recipe. I need it to be spectacular so my older family members starts considering some alternative, healthier-for-the-planet dishes. Wish me luck! Merry Christmas everybody!


1 comment:

Motownrunner said...

Hi chickie!!! I restarted my running blog and you're on my first post!!

No pressure but it's all riding on you!! Just kidding....see you bright and early tomorrow.