Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big-girl room painted. Check.

Paul went Up North this weekend to hunt Bambi (she was too wiley for him, though), so my Mom came over to entertain Alayna for a few hours Saturday afternoon so I could finish painting her room and move her furniture in. She loves it ... and why wouldn't she? It's pink and has princesses all over one wall. We even picked out a new pink-bladed ceiling fan. It might sound overwhelming but it's really quite nice. Alayna loves it. There's just a few details to finish and it's all done.

Once Alayna got to sleep Saturday night, I touched up the paint in the baby's room and painted a bedside table. Sunday, Alayna took a nap (who knew it was because she was coming down with strep?... arg), so I got the crib moved back in from the attic and sorted all the baby clothes from the attic for easier access when we need them again. ... I still have to find a few parts of the baby monitors, but I know we have them somewhere.

By Sunday night, Alayna had a high fever and two worried parents. 104 or 105 degrees while we waited for the Motrin to work. The Motrin worked to take it down to a less worrisome fever until we got to the doctor on Monday to learn she had strep. I stayed home Monday while GM's stock went crazy over the company drawing down another $3.5 billion in debt from an existing revolver. Paul stayed home Tuesday.

Have to run. Wrote this while waiting for the last editing and now need to get home!

I will give this little update on baby. She has already exercising her earliest attempts to make me prove she is more important than work. My newest daughter's routine is to kick, punch and do flip turns at her highest frequency when I am trying to write. It can make it very difficult to focus!

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