Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big-girl room painted. Check.

Paul went Up North this weekend to hunt Bambi (she was too wiley for him, though), so my Mom came over to entertain Alayna for a few hours Saturday afternoon so I could finish painting her room and move her furniture in. She loves it ... and why wouldn't she? It's pink and has princesses all over one wall. We even picked out a new pink-bladed ceiling fan. It might sound overwhelming but it's really quite nice. Alayna loves it. There's just a few details to finish and it's all done.

Once Alayna got to sleep Saturday night, I touched up the paint in the baby's room and painted a bedside table. Sunday, Alayna took a nap (who knew it was because she was coming down with strep?... arg), so I got the crib moved back in from the attic and sorted all the baby clothes from the attic for easier access when we need them again. ... I still have to find a few parts of the baby monitors, but I know we have them somewhere.

By Sunday night, Alayna had a high fever and two worried parents. 104 or 105 degrees while we waited for the Motrin to work. The Motrin worked to take it down to a less worrisome fever until we got to the doctor on Monday to learn she had strep. I stayed home Monday while GM's stock went crazy over the company drawing down another $3.5 billion in debt from an existing revolver. Paul stayed home Tuesday.

Have to run. Wrote this while waiting for the last editing and now need to get home!

I will give this little update on baby. She has already exercising her earliest attempts to make me prove she is more important than work. My newest daughter's routine is to kick, punch and do flip turns at her highest frequency when I am trying to write. It can make it very difficult to focus!

Monday, September 15, 2008

"My Birthday goes on forever and ever, Mom!"

The pink princess party for Alayna's birthday was a success, with princess balloons, a princess table cloth, a princess cake, princess napkins, pink plates, plastic gemstone rings and a few presents. Alayna was delighted ... and so were we all. All that pink helped counteract the pouring rain outside, too.

On Sunday, Alayna and I went for a nice hourlong walk in the morning while it was still dry out. Then my Mom came over to play for a while so I could finish painting Alayna's new big-girl room. Paul took the windows out to sandblast them so we could get rid of the peeling paint (and eliminate worries about lead). We ought to get it all put together by the end of the week.

About 7, while Paul was giving Alayna a bath, it stormed some more and a tree fell on the transformer on the street next to our house. The power crackled going on and off three or four times quickly before dying for good. Paul thought I'd electricuted myself and yelled down: "Katie, what are you doing!?!"

Luckily, it wasn't my fault and our hose seemed to be fine. We pulled out the headlamps and flashlights before it got too dark and Paul bought some ice to keep the milk and OJ cold. The power came back on at 3.

Then this morning, there was a three-car pile up right in front of our house just before Paul turned his car on to go to work. Snowy barked for most of the half hour that the cars were in our driveway with the police. ay ay ay. Alayna slept through the whole thing.

When we got to Cheryl's, Alayna and I found that the kids had decorated the house with a big sign that said "Happy Birthday Alayna." Joey made origami cranes and hung them from the ceiling. This afternoon, after lunch, Cheryl and Alayna planned to make brownies. Then the kids have skits and a treasure hunt planned for Alayna when they get home from school.

Alayna was ecstatic. "My birthday goes on forever and ever, Mom!"

I feel very fortunate to have such a loving, safe and flexible place for Alayna.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Alayna turns three on Monday. General Motors turns 100 on Tuesday. Alayna's sister keeps kicking me to remind me she's in there. Life is busy.

We will have a princess cake of some sort for Alayna's party. She helped me bake it last night and I'll decorate it tonight after she goes to bed.

Alayna has requested a pink princess party, with "a parade of pink balloons." When I asked her if other colors were OK, she said: "As long as they're pink, mama." I learned about many of the requirements for this party when she told my Mom what I was supposedly planning.

Party hats, balloons, princess cake, presents and a parade were among the items mentioned.

Alayna has now finished two weeks of preschool. She goes twice a week for two hours at a time and is loving it. They do arts and crafts, play inside and out, listen to stories and have a snack. Life is good.

At the beginning and end of class each day, the children are asked to sit on a picture on a circle rug (to quiet down and pay attention to the teacher). Each day so far, Alayna always walks around as if she's considering all the pictures, but inevitably sits on the Queen, which I think she thinks is a Princess.

On Thursday, she was very excited when she first sat down and raised her hand to tell her teacher "My baby's going to sleep in my room." I don't think the teacher knew what she was talking about.

I found it very sweet. I hope the reality of a sister isn't too jarringly different from what Alayna's is hoping for. ... but I have my concerns.

We've moved the guest room into the office and I've given up my home office space so we can turn the old guest room into Alayna's new big-girl room. I've been painting it and talking to Alayna about it so she's ready for a move. I have a piece of wainscotting and some trim to finish this weekend, then we should be able to move Alayna in. The new baby will go in the smaller nursery where Alayna has been.

Once we get Alayna moved into the big-girl room (which has peachy-cream colored walls), i can touch up the paint in there, set up the crib and move the glider Paul got into place. Alayna will keep her rocker. ... We still need it for cuddling, stories and the occasional nightime wakeup.

The other thing I'm hoping to get done this weekend is finish building my new Ikea secretary. It's smaller than my older desk (which will become Alayna's) and will fit in the sunroom. As an added bonus, the whole think closes up when not in use to hide the computer and files.

Then the only other thing we need to do before Alayna's sister comes is find a dresser for Alayna. The old dresser matches the crib and has a changing-table style top.

I'm anxious to get the house in order fast, since I'm 19 weeks pregnant now. During the pregnancy with Alayna, I ended up on bedrest at 26 weeks. This time around that would be the first week of November, so the clocks ticking.

I fully expect to have a healthy pregnancy this time, but don't want to leave any preparations to chance.

We're looking forward to a wonderful birthday party tomorrow. I'll try to get a picture or two up before too long ... of Alayna in her party hat.